सेब का केक और व्हिप्ड क्रीम

 सामग्री: Batter: -9 tablespoons flour -9 tablespoons powdered sugar -10 tablespoons warm milk -7 egg whites -4 egg yolks -1 sachet baking powder -1 pinch of salt Cream and apple sauce: -1 kg apples -1 l apple juice, unsweetened -2 sachets vanilla pudding -2 sachets gelatine (16 g) -4 tbsp sugar for caramel -9 tbsp sugar for cream -2 sachets vanilla sugar -500 ml water - juice of 1 lemon - juice of 1/2 orange -1 tbsp butter For the garnish: -500 ml whipped cream -150 g sugar -150 g walnut kernels, broken into pieces -1 whipped cream thickener, optional

Batter: In a large bowl, start by mixing the egg yolks with 5 tablespoons of the sugar, using an electric mixer on medium speed. Continue to mix until the mixture becomes slightly light in color, frothy, and greatly increases in volume. Next, gradually add the lukewarm milk, continuing to blend until the mixture becomes thick and has a cream-like consistency. In another bowl, si sift together the flour and baking powder and gradually add them to the egg yolk mixture, mixing gently after each addition. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar until stiff and glossy. Carefully fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the egg yolk cream. Then add the remaining egg whites, being careful to use a spatula to fold in the whipped whipped whipped cream, from the bottom up, to keep the air in the mixture. Pour the mixture into the lined baking tray and place in the preheated oven. Bake on high heat for 5-7 minutes, then reduce the temperature and bake on medium heat for 20-25 minutes, until the top is browned and passes the toothpick test. Once removed from the oven, leave to cool for 5 minutes, then remove from the tray and remove the baking paper, leaving to cool completely on a wire rack. Once the pastry is cool, cut into even slices.

Krantz: Prepare a small pan by lightly greasing it with oil. In a saucepan, caramelize 150 g sugar, stirring constantly to avoid burning. Once the sugar has turned golden brown, add the broken walnuts and stir well to make a smooth mixture. Spread the mixture in a thin layer in the greased tray and leave to cool. Once it has hardened, pound it in a blender until you get a fine powder.

Applesauce: Peel the apples, cut into suitable slices or cubes and drizzle with a little lemon juice to prevent oxidation. Caramelize the sugar in a saucepan, then turn off the water and boil for a few minutes. Add the apples and cook until tender. Once they are done, take them off the heat, add the orange juice, the remaining lemon juice and vanilla sugar, stirring well. Strain the apples and keep them together with 100 ml of the syrup, leaving to cool.

Cream: Of the remaining syrup and apple juice (about 1.3 quarts), stop 300 ml. Put the rest on the heat with the sugar. Meanwhile, dissolve the gelatine in 50 ml of liquid and stir until it changes color. Dissolve the pudding in the remaining 250 ml of liquid, then pour the mixture into the hot syrup, stirring continuously until it thickens. Take the saucepan off the heat, add the butter and the dissolved gelatine, stir until smooth.

Assembly and garnish: Use a smaller tray lined with plastic wrap. Place the strips of pastry in the pan, leaving no gaps between them, recreating the original shape. Pour in the applesauce, leveling it well. Spread the remaining strips evenly spaced on top, then pour the hot pudding into the remaining spaces. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours, ideally overnight. After cooling, remove the cake from the tray and peel off the foil. Whip the cream, adding a stiffener if you like, and stir in the crumbled krantz, reserving a small portion for garnish. Spread the custard evenly over the cake, using a fork to create a neat pattern, and sprinkle the remaining krantz on top. The cake can be sliced and served after an hour, but its flavor becomes even more intense after a rest.

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सेब का केक और व्हिप्ड क्रीम
सेब का केक और व्हिप्ड क्रीम
सेब का केक और व्हिप्ड क्रीम
